is the most complete, alluring and useful website about baby names you can find. Our website is dedicated to parents seeking an original and unusual name for their child or who are interested in the history and background of names. Our database contains more than 40,000 Baby Names for Boys and Girls with Origins and Meanings from every corner of the world. Here you'll find the most names from major ethnic origins, such as: American names, many of which African-American names, Latin, Hebrew, Irish, German, English, Greek, French, Arabic, Chinese, Australian, Japanese, Native American, Hawaiian, Polish and many more names from other origins. Our website will help you choose the name that you and your baby will love!
On our website you'll also find the most popular girl and boy names year by year, celebrity real names, celebrity baby names and many more interesting information about names.
We hope you'll pick the perfect name for your precious baby!
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us.